Samsung steals march on Nokia; unveils first Windows 8-powered smartphone ATIV S

Thursday 30 August 2012

According to a latest update, Samsung has become the first handset maker to announce a smartphone using Microsoft's latest mobile software, just days before the highly anticipated launch of Nokia's version. As per latest information, Samsung has unveiled a new handset, dubbed as ATIV S at Europe's top consumer electronics show in Berlin.
Reliable sources informed, the new Samsung's ATIV S is a Windows phone packed with a high-end 4.8-inch display, "Gorilla" glass, and an 8-megapixel rear camera along with 1.9-megapixel front-facing camera.

It is expected that Samsung will ship its first Windows Phone 8 model in the fourth quarter.

Market experts added, Samsung has crossed the start line first and set the bar for Nokia's launch. However, the latest announcement by Samsung is offering a plenty of room to Nokia to draw a clear contrast with its upcoming announcement, which is to be made on September 5.

It is worth noticing that Finnish handset company Nokia is due to unveil its new Lumia line of smartphones using Windows Phone 8 in New York on September 5.

Let’s hope, the new device will take user’s focus away from Samsung’s recent loss of the court case against Apple.