Disaster Recovery Riding High on E-Gov Model

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, wars and internal disturbances within the country could cause the E-Governance applications not only loose data, but also make services unavailable. Hence it becomes important for government to look at disaster recovery in a better way.
In order to achieve this, multiple installations in geographically separated locations with complete backup and recovery solutions must exist. This
In order to achieve this, multiple installations in geographically separated locations with complete backup and recovery solutions must exist. This could create huge problems.

And proper disaster recovery procedures must be in place and practiced from time to time in order to facilitate egovernance models. Applications and data must be redundant and should be available on a short notice to switch from one data center to center.

It is important to note that cloud virtualization technologies allow backups and restoring. It offers application migration seamlessly compared to traditional data center. Cloud helps to increase the number of resources dynamically to maintain quality of service intact even at the times of high load, which generally happens in E-Governance.

Performance with Scalability

Driving disaster recovery, the architecture and technology adopted for the E-Governance initiatives should be scalable and common across delivery channels .It is required to meet growing numbers and demands of citizens. If implemented, the E-Governance portals could become the biggest users and beneficiaries of Information Technology at a time of disaster.
 Disaster Recovery Riding High on E-Gov Model

With cloud architectures, scalability is inbuilt and hence, information stored is secured. Typically, E-Governance applications can be scaled vertically by moving to a more powerful machine that can offer more memory, CPU, storage. A simpler solution is to cluster the applications and scale horizontally by adding resources.

Moving forward, data center usage (CPU, storage, network etc), peak loads, consumption levels, power usage along with time are some of the factors that needs to be monitored and reported for better utilization of resources. It minimizes costs of the IT infrastructure for an egovernance project and application.